My First Bank
My First Bank is a great tool to teach your child the importance of saving, giving, tithing, and spending.
GIVE. Set aside money for God first.
SAVE. Keep money for future needs.
SHARE. Buy things for family, friends, and others in need.
SPEND. Buy things you want and need now.
See-through acrylic front allows for child to see their money grow! Money can be taken out from holes on bottom of bank.
Back of bank message:
My First Bank
Do not forget to do good to others.
And share with them what you have.
Hebrews 13:16
Product Specifications:
- Child’s wooden bank
- Size:Â 8″ x 7 1/4″ x 3 1/4″
- Material: wood and acrylic
- Ages 3+
- Product by DaySpring